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Happy ... share a story .. whatever it is, I'll always gave the best stories .. share experiences and so forth .. Please, visit my blog .. Merci à tous .. ƪ(ˇ▼ˇ)¬ ようこそ。私が提示するのは、ホットな情報を探ってみましょう。をお楽しみください..... \(´▽`)/ ★ ★

PV of the month

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weew.. Lelah!!!!!!!!!!

Tiring weekend ...
End Semester Examination Before approaching a lot of things that are tempting and needs to be done, for example:

- Clean rooms as well as cleaning cobwebs *Ketahuan amat se-ABAD kgk brsihin kamar* T.T
- Understanding Business Statistics (MATBIS) and Introduction to Accounting 2 (PA2)
- Godain si Unyu" *Minyon-- Is my Fad Kitty*
- For some, its frequency of sleep from yesterday until this afternoon.
- Dan yang paling susah dihilangkan adalah Kebanyakan "Mau"-nya hari ini

Mencoba besok lebih giat lagi *Wlo Selasa bsok masuk UAS Sore but tetap harus "Seriously" dan "Enterprising."*

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