Gantz (ガンツ Gantsu) is a Japanese manga and anime series written and illustrated by Hiroya Oku. Gantz tells the story of Kei Kurono and his friend Masaru Kato who die in a train accident and become part of a semi-posthumous "game" in which they and several other recently deceased people are forced to hunt down and kill aliens armed with a handful of futuristic items of equipment and weaponry.
The Gantz anime, directed by Ichiro Itano and animated by Gonzo, ran for 13 episodes and had a direct sequel called Gantz: Second Stage, which continued the series for another 13 episodes. Both seasons make up the 26 episode series. It was licensed in North America by ADV Films. The anime series is distributed in the United Kingdom by MVM Films, and in Australia and New Zealand by Madman Entertainment. Dark Horse Comics started releasing the manga in English in June 2008. A series of two live-action movies based on the manga was produced and released in January-April 2011.
Action and CGI is decent and entertaining without being too overblown. Melodrama at the wrong moments but nothing serious enough to make you cringe horribly. Fans of the manga should know that the movie tones down the blood, gore, sex, in the manga greatly so if you are expecting to see blood stains splattered everywhere and body parts thrown haphazardly you will be disappointed.
Nevertheless the movie retains some of the blood and gore, with ample amounts (within reasonable limits) around and exploding body parts being some of the examples. Definitely not surprised with the NC16 rating. If you haven’t read the original material, its fine as the movie it means for the general audience.
Overall, not a spectacular movie but defintely worth your time and money. Much more than Space Battleship Yamato at the very least.
When you talk about Japanese movies, the recent Space Battleship Yamato comes to mind. Which, despite its hype and my excitement for it, is not quite up to par. In lingo, I would say it suffers from too much emo and too little PEWPEWPEW. Fortunately, GANTZ eschews from this, keeping most of the drama within tasteful limits but nevertheless succumbs to such tendencies.
And I love Kanata Hongo, Ninomiya and Kenichi Matsuyama. These three guys are very cool.
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