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PV of the month

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nakata Yasutaka to provide theme song for ‘ONE PIECE’ exhibition

It’s been revealed that Nakata Yasutaka will be providing the theme song for “Oda Eiichiro Kanshu ONE PIECE Exhibition ~Eiga×Eizo×Taikan no One Piece“, the first exhibition by popular manga, “ONE PIECE“.

Titled “Panoramic Experience“, the song will be used in the ‘Adventure Panorama Theater’ of the “ONE PIECE” exhibition.

Nakata commented, “I’ve been reading ‘ONE PIECE’ ever s

ince the series started, so as a musician, I’m very honored to be able to collaborate with Mr.Oda in this way.”

“Oda Eiichiro Kanshu ONE PIECE Exhibition ~Eiga×Eizo×Taikan no One Piece” will run from March 20th to June 17th at Mori Arts Center Gallery at Roppongi Hills.

Meanwhile, “Panoramic Experience” will be available for download starting February 3rd. The CD will be available for purchase at the exhibition only.

If true Nakasan will create a theme song One Piece, this is definitely very interesting. I like create music him ~

Source & Image : Oricon

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