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PV of the month

Friday, May 25, 2012

AKB48 reveals dates for Tokyo Dome concert + Maeda Atsuko’s graduation

The dates for AKB48’s Tokyo Dome concert and Maeda Atsuko’s graduation have finally been revealed!

AKB48 will hold their first Tokyo Dome concert on August 24th, 25th, and 26th. This was announced by Takahashi Minami through AKB48’s official YouTube channel.

In the video, Takahashi holds an interview with Yomiuri Shimbun chairman and executive director Watanabe Tsuneo. While they talk about “dreams”, chairman Watanabe reveals that the group will be holding a 3-day live at Tokyo Dome. In response, Takahashi shows a surprised expression saying, “I’m sorry, I just found out now!”

As previously reported , Maeda Atsuko will be graduating after the group’s concerts at Tokyo Dome, August 27th. Takahashi commented, “People may be thinking that this is the turning point for AKB48, or that this is our last stop. But once we reach the goal line, Tokyo Dome, we want to change that into the start line, and have people watch us grow from there.

Ticket details will be revealed at a later date.

Check out the announcement video below!

Sumber by : @Tokyohive

Leisure days before the start of Semester Final Exam

Yaakk.. Because the campus I've entered the final spare before the test begins. I decided today to clean my room is very messy and also clean my house.. But I'm a little surprised to see my hair grew longer and a bit messy. Hair color that once I was a little too uneven coloring. But, I like my hair style these days (although a bit messy).

This morning after waking up, I immediately cleaned my house (such as sweeping and mopping floors for dust scattering). Rather tiring, and after that I went to clean my room. Due next Thursday I will take the final exam, a lot of books and papers strewn photocopy.. Yaaahhh, my allergic to dust eventually relapse orz. . . After tidying my things are a mess in my room. I found some of the pin that I wore once upon a specific event in my high school.. Aaahh I miss my High School times :')

And I also found a pin that once I bought it at a Japanese event. It reminds me of when I became Otaku, in high school LOL

In essence, if you clean your room, would always find something of value, as objects of old memories or anything else. "Therefore, it is best to clean up your rooms and make room for heaven belongs to ourselves"
Quotes me for today~

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Long Weekend

Because it fell on Ascension Day, then on my campus in Insist. And because coincident Thursday morning, then closed from the day kamishingga week (especially on my campus).. 
I'll tell you a little by using photographs, please check it :

(Style pergi ke kampus pada hari rabu yang lalu sebelum liburan, bertemakan santai tp padat sampai akhir kuliah di sore harinya)

(Kebetulan sekali, di Kantis kampus telah buka Kedai khusus Sushi dan Takoyaki. Bagi saya yang menyukai Jepang terutama makanan Jepang, hal ini sangat jarang dijual ditoko-toko kecil, terlebih dikawasan kampus sangat jarang, kecuali di daerah Mall.. Difoto ini, aku dan salah satu temanku yang juga menyukai Sushi memesan Unagi Sushi Roll dan Shed Shall Sushi.. Wlo rasanya agak kurang, tp luamayan kenyanglah yakkkk!!!!!!!)

(Kebetulan, pada hari Rabu kemarin ada acara yang baru-baru akhir tahun 2011 sangat populer di Indonesia yaitu "StandUp Comedy". Dan kebetulan diadakan di Plaza Festival yang dulu nama tempat itu adalah "Pasar Festival". Karena perubahan nama, maka diadakan acara bertemakan "DYNAMIC METAMORPHOSIS". Tepat banget ketika ada acara StandUp, kegiatan kuliah padet dari pagi sampai malem karena banyak kelas pengganti yang berhubung seminggu lagi kampus akan UAS. Karena acara ini dimulai jam 7 malem dan pas banget waktu itu keluar kelas jam setengah 7 malam, maka gw memutuskan untuk melihat LIVE StandUp Comedy - Yang kebetulan banget ada Ernets, comic favorit gw di StandUp Comedy selain Ryan. Lumayan menghibur dan bikin ngakak XDD)

(Setelah selesai melihat LIVE StandUp Comedy, gw juga iseng-iseng mau liat acara "RadioShow" di Tv One - Bagi lo yg punya twitter bisa liat ke @RadioShow_tvOne , gw suka ama acara ini karena banyak banget bang-bang bagus yang jarang dipublikasikan di TV. Dan kebanyakan emang jalur indie - bagi gw, indie is BEST genre and creatives music. Sebelum mulai acara memang sering diadakan Checksound)

(Kita loncat hari.. Foto ini diambil pada hari Sabtu kemarin. Karena masih bertemakan Long Weekend dan kebetulan gw juga mau meng-ekspresikan diri melalui style yang gw kenakan. Karena baru diberi pashmina kaos ama tante yang ada di Solo dan kebetulan hari Sabtu yang kemarin itu juga datang, maka gw berusaha untuk me-mix & match pashmina kaos tersebut. Seperti yang terlihat foto yang ada di bawah ini. Kebetulan warnanya banyak yang senada dan gw juga kangen pengen pke Boots yang biasa gw pakai untuk Cosplay. Yahhh lumayanlahh, acara Lamaran sodara dirumah Bude berjalan lancar, lalu hati senang perut juga kenyang LOL)

(Hari terakhir long weekend yaitu hari ini, minggu. Maka, gw dan kakak gw pergi ke perpus daerah. Kangen aja gitu baca komik-komik baru. Kebetulan, pengen upgrade ilmu manga gw disana. Memang banyak ketinggalan, tapi setidaknya gw bisa melepas rindu sebagai otaku LOL. Ternyata banyak komik baru yang seru dan banyak manga yang gw kenal mengeluarkan manga baru.. Aaaaakkkk sayangnya gw gk bisa membaca semua komik yang ada disana gara-gara waktu udh limit :(( )

Intinya untuk Long Weekend kali ini.. Fun, exciting and very entertaining myself before taking the Final Exam Semester.. Yosshhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~  See u~

Saturday, May 5, 2012

L'Arc~en~Ciel WORLD TOUR Concert 2012 for 20th Anniversary

Very historic day for the lovers of L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel in Indonesia. Coincide on the 2nd of May 2012, Wednesday. This made me very happy, because I'm also including their fans when the age of 10-11 years (masih SD hahahahaa). This concert has been notified in February 2012. However, the lovers of Japanese Rock song can't wait to watch Laruku, because they were the first Japanese band to Indonesia in the 90s. I'm starting to like their songs when there is still one of the MTV Channel on Local TV in Indonesia. And, first BOOMING is the song "Ready Steady Go" and "STAY AWAY." It makes me love their songs. Not only that, I also liked the character of their music. Laruku is the first Japanese band that I knew as a child and started to like another band. It is shaping the character of my music and was fused to the other Japanese music. Oke, straight to the problem how can I get concert tickets Laruku. The beginning, I didn't get a ticket because it was SOLD OUT within 5 minutes on the first day of sales (This is the Online ticket booking), and the other sales that must come directly to the ticket sales office I could not come because there are things I need to finish :'( Because I think can not get it, so I was discouraged to watch the concert (although eager to see it).. But before the H-3, I was told by friends of the LI Forum (L'Arc ~ en ~ Ciel Indonesia) who canceled watch a concert and sell tickets. Hearing this, I contacted the person. However, not long after the ticket was already taken by someone else. Then at night, I was contacted by my boyfriend. Incidentally he has a friend in one of the social networks and sell at a hefty price (below the normal price). 

Because it is notified in the evening and tomorrow is the original ticket exchange, so I'm so excited. The next day, I met a friend who was introduced by my boyfriend and asked for tickets. And finally, I ended up getting the ticket and immediately made ​​preparations tomorrow. Initially, Wednesday was a hectic day by the campus schedule from morning to afternoon. But, I don't defend the rear to get in on my lecture at the 2 and 3 LOL.

Because I'm lazy to tell long, then I will show pictures with a little guidance...

( "L" for L'Arc~en~Ciel )

( Hyde and Tetsu duet)

(GATE 2 & Setlist Song )

(I love Hyde playing guitar and Tetsu are experts in the game of bass)

(This is BEST MOMENT for this concert. Hyde was crying when the song "Forbidden Lover". It is rarely available in every concert...)

(Best Angel photograph)

(Pita party after this concert.. Gyaaaaaaaaa, get souvenir items LOL)

(EPIC for Hyde playing "Suling" Orz) 

You can see in this video:

Hyde and Ken is very funny here LOL

(GATE 1 : Booth entrance before entering the concert and the concert's official site)

(Official Merchandise)

(Me & Hyde Replication~)

(Me & Molen, This is people who were lucky to get tickets before the GATE 1 LOL)

(Heat before it enters the queue GATE 1)

("WORLD BEST SELECTION" CD.. This is Merchandise Official)

(After concert, snag tickets and fan of the sponsor in cooperation with the promoter and than Light Stick :p)

(Nasional Gathering L'Arc~en~Ciel Indonesia, before concert)

(When it enters the GATE 2. And I'm standing in one of the biggest sponsors of L'Arc brought here.)

(Wait, until Opening the concert begins!!!!!)

(Wristband Ticket)

Beberapa video yang diunduh di youtube :

Opening concert :


Tetsu MC & link

This is the funniest of Tetsu.. Aaaakkkkkkkkkkk I want ur Banana & Lollipopppp *plakkk



At this song, it rained just once a small drizzle.. Sweet :')

Hitomi no Juunin

My Heart Draws a Dream

Driver's High

Seventh Heaven


The Fourth Avenue Cafe

I hope, next year or whenever, they come back and have a concert a long time, because for me this concert lasted only very briefly. I also hope, that they continue working. Love u L'Arc.. Love u Hyde, Tetsu, Ken and Yukihiroooooo~
Next year, I will target the VIP tickets hahahahhaaaaaa

Sunday, April 29, 2012

My NEW Instagr.am

Awalnya pas dicobain di Android gw pertama kali masih belum maksimal dan msh ada Black Burn kayak foto gak jadi. But, awesome.. Lama kelamaan gw jadi ketagihan (walaupun sama aja kayak pixlr-o-matic) tapi share fotonya itu kegunaanya hampir sama kayak twitter. Yeahh, because both of these social media is fun for lovers of photography..

Bagi kalian yang punya akun instagr.am, follow aii >> "Soushika"

Funny Kids Dancer~

I'm very happy with their dance. Really teach kids to eat vegetables and fruits.

Can't wait L'Arc~en~Ciel Concert in Jakarta

Tinggal menghitung hari mereka akan datang ke Indonesia.. Yess, This will be a phenomenal day for the first

 time Laruku came to Indonesia. Billboards for advertising their concerts are located in various areas and in areas (mungkin ini melebihi dari SUJU LOL). MSN Onion Emoticons

Although there is some news that a little ridiculous (seperti, mereka adalah Band Korea) and it makes all the love / Laruku fans smiling crisp, stroking his chest, it is still not dismiss their patience to Laruku concert.. I am also personally very thrilled and excited to watch their concert.Because, only this time they held a world tour and set foot in Indonesia. This will make the band from their countries will also follow in his footsteps (Walau sebenarnya band jepang bukan Laruku juga yang pertama kali mengadakan konser). But, ini merupakan suatu kebanggaan terutama para Cielers yang bisa mewujudkan impian mereka mendatangkan Laruku ke Indonesia. Dan yang paling gw suka dari setiap konser orang-orang luar (terutama Laruku), kadang melemparkan "sesuatu" ke para penontonnya. Entah itu handuk, bunga, buah or whatever.. Dan, karena hari ini Laruku tadi sehabis konser di Singapore, gw mendapatkan berita kalau Hyde melemparkan pluit ke arah penonton (Geeze, It is an indirect kiss!! Really lucky if anyone got it LOL)

Dan ada juga  beberapa setlist lagu yang dibawakan oleh mereka di Singapore tadi.. Wahahaa lagu yang jadi favorit gw semuaaaaaaaaaa.. Oh godddddd, bisa mati kegirangann Onion Icons

This is >> http://larcworld.iinaa.net/live/worldtour2012.html

Gw berharap di World Tour mereka di Indonesia hari Rabu, 02 Mei 2012 berjalan lancar, gak rusuh, semua menikmati dan mereka pun puas dengan Tour mereka di Indonesia.. Amieenn..

Moga gw dapet tiket gretongan juga haahahhahaaa