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Happy ... share a story .. whatever it is, I'll always gave the best stories .. share experiences and so forth .. Please, visit my blog .. Merci à tous .. ƪ(ˇ▼ˇ)¬ ようこそ。私が提示するのは、ホットな情報を探ってみましょう。をお楽しみください..... \(´▽`)/ ★ ★

PV of the month

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

NEW [PV] a burning bullet - LAST ALLIANCE

From here begins a new LAST ALLIANCE. -

LAST ALLIANCE "c.s.c20022011"
2012/1/25 (wed) Release!!

Complete Single Collection releases have been run through an aggregation of the blue trails before! ! Take one step of a new step forward from here.

Now difficult to obtain, including the early singles, recorded digitally remastered all 26 tracks on this single songs.

DISC 3 「It's a emot ional world」is one of the LAST ALLIANCE new single should be called the current date recorded five songs recorded ! !

[Disc] CD3
3,500 (TAX IN)
Sold Released: Bop

is one of the LAST ALLIANCE new single should be called the current date recorded five songs recorded!!

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